This is the README for the ABI checking tool "abicheck". For background information on library versioning, public/private classification, and other useful information please read the INTRO file that accompanies the source. abicheck is a tool that checks application binary executables and shared libraries for conformance to the (or an) ABI (Application Binary Interface). It requires the libraries making up the ABI to have the library versioning public/private symbol information recorded in the them. See the INTRO and references (especially the "Solaris Linker and Libraries Guide" at With that public/private symbol information in place in the libraries, abicheck performs the following steps: 1) runs ldd(1) with the -r switch and environment variable LD_DEBUG=files,bindings to extract all of the symbol binding information for each binary to be checked. 2) The ABI symbols directly called by a binary are checked if they are in a library's private symbol set (that is, the set of library package internal symbols). If so, a warning in printed out. 3) Static linking of system library archives are checked for using objdump(1) or elfdump(1) to extract the list of .text symbols from the application binary and then applying heuristics to detect static linking of basic system libraries (libc, libsocket, libnsl) The details of 2) depend on the system (on Linux the ldd(1) output contains the information, while on Solaris pvs(1) is consulted to link symbols to version set names) abicheck currently works on Linux (GLIBC package 2.1 or higher), and Solaris (2.6 or higher). It has been tested on Solaris 2.6-8, Redhat Linux 6.2 and Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 The more libraries that have the public/private symbol information in place the more useful is abicheck in checking conformance. Many of the system libraries in Solaris 2.6 are versioned that way, and nearly all are in Solaris 8. On Linux only the GLIBC library package of ~20 are versioned. The GLIBC libraries do not contain the public/private symbol classification, and so the heuristic of leading underscore "_" is used to identify private symbols. Here is an example run on Solaris: # abicheck ./reader ./date ./reader: PRIVATE: ( _select ./date: OK The application binary "reader" calls the private symbol "_select" in and a warning is printed out. The application "date" makes no private calls and so is OK. See the INTRO file for more information on the what is being checked. Running "abicheck -h" provides additional help and information about the format of the output and command line options. Regarding building and installation, there is not much to say since it is a simple stand-alone script. "make" will just set the executable bit, and the file "abicheck" can be installed anywhere. The user's PATH must be set to find perl (usually /usr/bin/perl). abicheck is meant as a demonstration tool of an ABI conformance using versioning information in ABI shared libraries, and additional heuristic checks for binary stability.